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Our Publications

We have published the following Social Prescribing peer-reviewed journal articles (please contact us if you would like a copy of any of them):


Wakefield, J. R. H., Kellezi, B., Stevenson, C., McNamara, N., Bowe, M., Wilson, I., ... & Mair, E. (2020). Social Prescribing as ‘Social Cure’: A longitudinal study of the health benefits of social connectedness within a Social Prescribing pathway. Journal of Health Psychology, 1359105320944991.


Kellezi, B., Wakefield, J. R. H., Stevenson, C., McNamara, N., Mair, E., Bowe, M., ... & Halder, M. M. (2019). The social cure of social prescribing: a mixed-methods study on the benefits of social connectedness on quality and effectiveness of care provision. BMJ Open 9(11).


Stevenson, C., Wilson, I., McNamara, N., Wakefield, J., Kellezi, B., & Bowe, M. (2019). Social prescribing: A practice in need of a theory. British Journal of General Practice.

Halder, M. M., Wakefield, J. R., Bowe, M., Kellezi, B., Mair, E., McNamara, N., ... & Stevenson, C. (2018). Evaluation and exploration of a social prescribing initiative: study protocol. Journal of Health Psychology, 1359105318814160.


We have published the following Social Prescribing reports:


Evaluation of the Let’s Live Well in Rushcliffe initiative: preliminary results:



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